I’ve been journaling for about four years now, ever since my dear friend and business partner Cameron passed away. I was having dangerous ideations. Catastrophic ideations. My original purpose was to be able to find patterns in my thoughts to ensure I didn’t act on detrimental ones. I questioned myself, wrote my thoughts down, and then didn’t act on anything until I read it back to myself a day or two after. Insurance to make sure that if the ideations were getting bad, I just needed to win the day and see if I felt the same the next day. I’ve won a lot of days since then. 

If you know me, you know I don’t hide from sharing my thoughts with others. I enjoy making a positive impact on other people’s lives so when I feel I may be able to positively “redirect” someone, I attempt to. It honestly brings me tremendous joy. Makes the hard work feel worth it. Well, one day I was at the poker room and a dealer who befriended me asked me why I didn’t share more of my business advice to the general public. While dealing cards he recited different business discussions he overheard over the last year. Then another gentleman (who is an established businessman) also encouraged me to document more. 

Well… As a good friend of mine, Eric Kussin, would say, “Sharing lived experiences is where connection begins!” and that’s what I’m here to do. 

I’m going to share weekly journal entries from my dealings in business, mental health, and personal development. This will include entries from some of my closest friends as well. 

Many times in my writings I finish with, “In closing” but I suppose that wouldn’t be appropriate at this time. Instead, I’ll leave you with an opening… 

May the next week bring you encounters with individuals that bring you joy and success. 

Moments captured in time, if you will. Talk to you soon.