Face Value – Fountain Forward – Colombia Summit ‘24

I spent the entire week with our team members from Colombia (plus the wonderful addition of Maribel from the Dominican Republic). 

We were in Bogota, Cartagena, Baru, and more. But, the focus was all on Cartagena. 

The first-ever Fountain Forward Colombia Summit was on! 

A total of 13 people gathered at a 16th Century Colonial house in the Walled City of Cartagena. Five days and four nights together, deepening relationships and planning the future of Fountain Forward. 

If you know me, you know I very much enjoy documenting my experiences with photos. Reviewing this past week’s photos showed me just how special things really are, but also they remind me of just how much I can do to help our team. 

I took time to have at least a few individual conversations with each person on the trip. Some of the team I know quite well, but then others I had never even spoken to before. 

The second part was something that was new to me and has taken me a little bit to process. I mean, I literally was introduced to two of the Search team in which I thought were buddies of Juan, one of the Analytics guys. 

It was a great lesson and I have a plan to get more in touch with some of the newer team members once they have gotten settled in. 

Now, amidst all of the wonderful memories from this past week there was one in particular that stood out. 

I was able to present to a prospect with the entire summit watching. Not online, but in the giant 16th Century room we were gathered in. On one side, you had me presenting with an extra monitor like I normally do on the road. Notes on one side, slides and data on the other. 

But, behind the monitors, there were 12 people tuned in. Our 12 people, in one room. The product & service that they work so hard to deliver was presented right there in front of their faces for the first time. 

Also worth mentioning was the fact that the prospect(s) we presented to absolutely rocked. They got into the “role” and really had the room laughing and having fun. 

The presentation finished well and the debrief with the team was invigorating. They shared what I would call, “impact statements” which were motivating and eye opening. 

This trip made me view our team with a different lens and reminded me after years of separation from Covid just how much I need to see people face to face. 

It’s not that I want it, I need it. I need to see the people I’m working with and for. If I just sit there presenting and growing the company I end up becoming too focused on the profits and growth of accounts. 

My head has been full of memories but also planning to come back. Planning to work in Bogota with our amazing team. Planning to take everyone out for lunch, or dinner, or a night on the town. Taking care of everything and not thinking twice about it. 

I see the impact it makes on their lives, and that is more valuable than anything I’ve been a part of. 

God willing, I will be back soon. But, for now, I’m full of joy and appreciation. 

Have a fantastic week! 

-Source Love Stevie