Turkey makes you sleep, right?

This past week I had one of the lightest schedules in recent memory. I had a really nice time enjoying things I just normally don’t get to do. 

I ate lunch a few times while watching some TV. 

I had lunch with an old friend, took the car out for a spin, dropped stuff off at Goodwill, and the list goes on. 

I was able to write up a script and produce a video for a new major-position at Fountain Forward. Can’t wait to see what Maribel and the creative team come up with! 

It was really nice to be able to do all of it, and then on Friday even more was to come. 

Friday evening I flew to Turkey with my business partner. The flight was quite comfortable and filled with rest and relaxation. Once we arrived we got a coffee, walked around for a few hours, and then it was time for more… rest. 

Waking up Sunday without an alarm was a continuation of the vibe. I decided, against my better judgment (lol), to go for a run up the streets of Istanbul. I found myself at a little breakfast place called, “Snug” which had fresh and delicious food. 

The day continued on with some exploration at the center of Istanbul. One thing I wanted to check off the list, seeing the Sarcophagus of Alexander The Great. Check! 

We headed back and guess what it was time for? Rest. 

This has continued all the way up to writing this blog. I’ve not rested like this since I can remember and with my procedure coming today I will be resting, god willing, for another 14 days. 

As is with every destination, all I want to do is go out and explore. I want to try all the food and do all the things! 

But, not on this trip. I’ve got books and my Optimal Being program and Monopoly and a deck of cards. 

I’m going a bit more analog if you will, and I will. 

Turkey is for rest, and rest I shall. 

Have a nice, and restful, week ahead. 

-Source Love Stevie